Wednesday, June 15, 2011

37 Weeks (yay for Internet!)

Blackberry pic because our camera is dead and the chaos of boxes means I can't find our charger - And, I almost forgot to take this pic, which is why I'm in my PJs. :)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 37 weeks on Sunday

Baby size: 19.5 - 20 inches and 6.25 lbs. About the size of a watermelon or the length of a stalk of swiss chard (that's a very strange comparison, lol).

Maternity Clothes: Most of the time, I have a handful of pre-pregnancy clothes that I can still wear. We were living out of suitcases for about two weeks so it was a good thing that I had such a small wardrobe to work with.

Gender: Female, Olivia Michele Bainbridge.

Movement: Most certainly. I'm thinking this kid might have long legs like Russ because she keeps stretching them out as much as possible because that's when her rear end gets shoved out and hits me in the ribs.

Cravings: Not really.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, swollen finger joints (I had to go buy an end-of-pregnancy wedding ring at Mardels) and a fairly constant need to pee.

Pirate decided that the Boppy pillow was just his size. :)

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