Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow, Snow, SNOW

Thursday it began snowing midday and just kept on showing throughout the night.

Russ' work was canceled but mine wasn't.... he was nice enough to get up, clear off the car and then drive me to work. :)

Roxy and Pirate liked running after snowballs when Russ threw them.

Roxy wasn't sure what to do about the cold stuff stuck to her nose. Silly dog.


  1. I didn't realize you got that much snow this week. Very pretty! I like your new Christmas garden flag. I don't think we will have snow in OK for Christmas. Is that alright?! Can't wait to see you! xoxo

  2. You two are so cute...let's plan a visit soon...very soon. Skiing maybe in late February? What do you think? P.S. I feel like Roxy and I are kindred spirits. Lol
