Wednesday, October 31, 2012

16 months

Sweet Olivia, this past month has been so much fun to watch you grow and learn. Your brain is absorbing everything! You are learning new words all the time and it's awesome!

In the middle of the month, you demonstrated how well you've been paying attention to momma and daddy because when you toot, we've always said, "whoo" (not sure why... We just said it,) and, now, you say, "whoo." Hehe. I'm now working on saying "excuse you.

You really started identifying body parts on others and yourself. Just a few days ago you pointed to your elbow (which is a big deal in brain development because it is across the center line of your body) and you said "elbow." It actually more like, "el-ow," but I'll take it! You also like to show us your belly button, all of your facial features, your hand, knees, toes, and head.

You've recently become very opinionated.
We ask: Olivia do you want your water.
You: no.
We say: do you want your milk.
You: yes

These opinions stretch to every part of our life. :) I love it because it means you are becoming an independent, strong kid. I know we'll have battles but were making it all work right now.

This month you've become a food dipper. Anything you can dip in peanut butter, hummus or ketchup is a hit. We're doing our best to buy the most natural version of these items because I'm not sure I'm willing to make my own. You also had your first taste of chocolate. I had envisioned this going down as a warm chocolate chip cookie or a bite of chocolate mousse but, instead, it was a stray chocolate chip that had been dropped on the floor. You must have found it and held it in your hot little hand for a minute before I noticed because it was mostly melted on your palm. I grabbed it and we were about to wipe of your hands when you licked your fingers and said, "yum!"

You still love music and you love to dance! You frequently point at my phone and ask for "mu." We then play Pandora or K-Love. Everyday, we read almost every one of the books that are on your shelf. You love to bring a book over, sit in my lap and help me turn the pages. We don't always finish the books but thats alright.

You love shoes and putting them on your feet, my feet and daddy's feet. It's most funny when you're putting Daddy's shoes on your feet because they're almost as long as your entire leg. 

You've also learned to "help" daddy work on his bike this month. It's really cute and a little nerve-wracking to watch (because bikes are expensive).

And, you love making animal noises. Lion (a very soft "roar"), elephant, and seal are the ones you've added this month. But, dog is still your all time favorite. :)

You did a fantastic job at the fall festival at church! You ran around like a kid who had never had so much fun! God bless your daddy for chasing after you the whole time. You also loved trick or treating. We went to the Compton's, Grammie and Grandpa's and some of their neighbors. You loved telling them what a puppy says.

Keep on growing and learning my sweet girl!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Olivia accidentally got spaghetti on Roxy

And Roxy couldn't reach it on her shoulder.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pipe cleaners.

I probably should have given this kid pipe cleaners to play with a long time ago. She's fascinated.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outside is the best!

Yay, clean diapers!

OSU Outdoor Adventure Triathlon

Russ has done this triathlon almost every year since it was started in 2005. It has been so cool to watch it grow from a small race with mostly first-time triathletes to a pretty big race with seasoned competitors from OKC and Tulsa.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fifteen Months

My sweet girl, you are getting so very big! You have such a fun, independent spirit. You love to share your food and toys. You spend a lot of time taking your toys in and out of their containers or holders. 

You love to play with Roxy and it's even more fun when Daddy holds you and then he plays with Roxy.  

You're a rough and tumble kid. Without someone to stop you and enforce nap time or bedtime, you will play hard until you're beyond exhausted and, then, you'll play some more.   

You're learning all the time.  You know a whole lot of animal noises or moves (scorpion and snake are your moves). You love music! Anytime we turn on the radio or Pandora, you start to bop to the music. I love watching you dance and, last weekend when we were at Daddy's triathlon, you entertained at least a dozen people with your awesome moves. You've also learned to spin in circles and walk backwards, both of which you think are awesome. 

We call this move "hulk smash," we don't know why you do it but it is pretty cute!

You're still holding onto your morning nap. Some days, depending on when you wake up in the morning, we only have one nap right after lunch but I can tell that you are extra tired by dinner time. 

Speaking of dinner, your absolute favorite meal is spaghetti and marinara sauce. As soon as we put the sauce on the stove, you start asking for a "bite" or "more." Your Daddy and I are pretty certain that you  could eat it every day for every meal and never get tired of it.  You also love fruit - oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, raisin, strawberries, pears, etc. 

You love to play outside! We have a soccer field near our home and you love to run across it and pick pieces of grass to share with us. It's always a treat when we can take you to Nana and Papa's backyard and let you run through their grass and dig in their dirt. 

You're still wearing all size 12 month clothes and we just moved into size 4 shoes. You are just so long and skinny - without your cloth diapers to pad your bum, a lot of your pants and shorts would fall right off your hips. 

Your hair is getting a lot longer with the back and sides starting to curl into little ringlets. You won't let me clip your bangs back off your face but you will leave the "Pebbles" 'do right on top of your head... Believe me, your Daddy loves that. :)

Being sweet


And, trying on Mommy's moccasin made by Daddy for her 18th birthday. :)

Painting with water

And stirring her blocks.


Playing outside with Nana and Papa