Friday, September 30, 2011

Three Months

Olivia is three months old. Holy cow!

She has really changed over the last month. She wants to absorb and examine all of her surroundings; she'll study the walls, ceiling, pictures, upholstery, etc. Sometimes, this leads to over-stimulation but it's still exciting to see her so curious.

Olivia has moved into wearing all 3 month clothing but she is sill wearing her newborn socks.... I wonder where she could have inherited small feet? :)

By my informal method of weighing her (weighing myself and then weighing us both together), she's about 13.5 lbs. And I'm not sure about length but I know she's long.

Our sleeping pattens are not consistent all the time but most days Olivia will go 6-7 hours at the beginning of the night and then another 3-4 hours. She wakes up around 7 a.m. most days and then has some awesome "happy baby" time. We try not to distract Russ too much as he gets ready for work. :)

Olivia's hair is definitely getting darker and thicker; I think it may be very dark brown like Russ'. Her eyes are the darkest of dark blue with no brown or green mixed in at all. They look black in pictures but I like to call them indigo.

Happy three months, pretty girl!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Redman 2011

Russ did his sixth Redman triathlon this past weekend. It was a very different experience for me because I normally sit there for the whole race and, this time, I was only there for the start and the end.

I was able to feed Olivia at 5 a.m., put her back down to sleep and go with Russ to help him set up and get started. Then I went back to my parents' to feed her and get her ready for the day; then, we almost missed his finish because he was going much faster the he expected.  In fact, Russ finished only 4 seconds slower then his personal best!

Pretty impressive and totally nerve-wracking for this gal!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bonding with the Baby

Pirate, Roxy and Olivia are getting along rather well these days.

When Olivia is sucking on her fingers...

Roxy and Pirate are chillin' and breaking in my new chair.

When Olivia is grinning in her swing...

Roxy is (kinda) grinning while scratching her back on the carpet.

Pirate wasn't sure what to think when Olivia was on his end of the couch.

And Roxy really wasn't sure what to think when Olivia was keeping the beat on her back.

It's OK, Olivia wasn't sure what to think when Roxy was sniffing her armpit. I don't think infants have BO, maybe some milk dribbled there?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lazy Days

Some weekends get to be filled with laziness and we love the cuddles that come with them.

Olivia looking at the computer with me.

Since I'm normally the person taking the pictures, I have to work extra hard to get pictures of the two of us. 

Smirking from her favorite seat in the house, the "daddy chair."

Helping Daddy take notes during his online course.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love the ceiling fan because Olivia loves the ceiling fan!

Olivia sees any fan and she stares at as if to say, "spin!" And once it is spinning, she will either squeal with delight or become mesmerized. (Please ignore the clean laundry on the bed)

If we don't want to turn it on and choose to just spin it by hand, she gets really excited until it slows down, which can make her very frustrated.

Either way you look at it, the fan is awesome! I love its power over Olivia because it allows me to complete many different chores in my bedroom.

Footie Jammies

There's just something about a baby is footie pajamas!

Now that it's getting chillier outside, we've been wearing jammies other than just a basic onesie.

And I just can't stand to get her dressed for the day because of them. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Anthropologie Pillow

I love pretty things for my home but I'm thrifty (and my money tree died during the move from New Mexico), so, when we went to Anthropologie with my friend Amy and I saw this awesome tea towel, I knew I could do something with it. It did cost almost $25, which is way too much for me to be wiping up spaghetti sauce and lemonade with but it is not too much for a pretty pillow for my living room.

I cut the towel in half (I'm still working on a plan for making a cover with the other half) and put it with some fabric I bought last year at Hobby Lobby.  Then I used some seam tape to iron the whole thing together.  

This is the first pillow I've ever made this way and I feel pretty confident that it is strong enough to withstand dogs, husband and baby. And, it sure looks pretty!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Deal!

Olivia went to the nursery at church for the first time this last week. We were a little concerned that she might have one of her fussy periods but, instead, she was great and spent some time sleeping in one of the  nursery worker's arms.

Olivia on the way to the race.

Baby in da' hood. Hehe.

We also took her to Stillwater for the first time on Saturday. Russ was doing the Outdoor Adventure Triathlon for the sixth time. (Bragging moment: Russ founded the OSU Triathlon Club back in 2008 with four members and there are almost twenty club members now. So cool!) Olivia didn't see much of campus, we'll do that when she's older, but she did see my sister's dorm room. We attempted to take a nap on her bed but there were way to many exciting new things for Olivia to look at for her to even consider closing her eyes. 

Happy baby with Aunt B.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pictures From a Real Photographer

Here are some pictures from several weekends ago when we were hanging out at my godparents' in OKC, their sister-in-law was there and she is a truly gifted photographer. Here are some of the pics she emailed me of Olivia. Thank you so much, Sue!

Olivia with Grandma Dorothy.

More pictures showing her first experience with the pool. The verdict - the water was cold!

Hanging out with goddaddy James.

Just telling him a story.

My daddy with his girls. LOVE. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Olivia's Baptism

Olivia was baptized Labor Day weekend at the church that I've attended my entire life and where Russ and I were married just over two years ago. It was a wonderful service! Our families and friends were right there as witnesses and the service was incredibly personal.

The flowers that were displayed in the church that Sunday were in Olivia's honor from her godparents. :)

Dr. Gorrell, who performed the baptism, has actually known my parents for a very long time. He and his college girlfriend set up my parents on their very first date. He likes to say that without him my sister and I wouldn't be born. 

She was very awake after the cold water was sprinkled on her head.

James and Amy have already blessed us immensely as Olivia's godparents.

This is my goddaddy Bob, he performed my wedding ceremony and my parents' wedding ceremony. Now, he is Olivia's grand goddaddy Bob. 


More family.

Even more family. (I love family!)

Olivia Michele with her namesake, my godmother Michele. (Please note the two handed finger sucking, lol.)

A baptism is a prime time to wear bloomers that have your name embroidered on them.

This was Olivia's first time to meet Andrew and she was loudly expressing her gratitude to him for videotaping her baptism. Thanks, Drew!